About Hassan-Hicks
We have been a family run opticians since 1988 when Turgay and Anne Hassan‑Hicks bought the practice in St Thomas St at the top of Lymington High Street.
Mr and Mrs Hassan-Hicks met as students in London and both qualified as Fellows of the Association of Dispensing Opticians and Members of the Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers in 1981. With over 25 years of experience as a practicing dispensing and contact lens optician, Mr Hassan‑Hicks further qualified in 2008 as an Optometrist, BSc (Hons), Mc OPTOM.
Our daughter Lora (Mrs Hassan-Green) joined us a fully qualified optometrist in 2011 and has brought with her a fresh eye for evolving technologies as well as a keen interest in the fashion of designer frames.
Optometry and eye care are continually evolving and this means continuing to keep both our knowledge and our facilities up to date. All professional staff are regulated by the GOC (General Optical Council) and adhere to all guidelines. We all take our own professional development very seriously, each following a continuous education programme and regularly attending courses on new and developing techniques and procedures.
We have two fully equipped consulting rooms. Our Humphries Visual Field Analyser is used in the diagnosis of numerous ocular conditions such as glaucoma. We also have a Fundus Camera, another powerful diagnostic tool used to monitor ocular health. We are always looking to invest in new diagnostic equipment as it becomes available and where we believe it will benefit our patients and their eye care.
Our optician and optometrist qualifications
- Turgay Hassan-Hicks - BSc(Hons), Mc OPTOM, FADO, MFDO
- Anne Hassan-Hicks - FADO, MFDO
- Lora Hassan-Green - BSc (Hons), MRes, BOptom (Hons), McOPTOM
- Tim Bridge - FBDO